عنوان الموضوع : school days - الانجليزية
كاتب الموضوع : mira
مقدم من طرف منتديات ايمازيغن

holla guys
what's up
hope u are all right
well; well
it's obvious from the title
but as long as i love to talk a lot never mind if i say few words
for me and for sure for all of us ; we live the craziiest moment at school
even with the bitterness of exams we love school

it's our breather and the only place where we had fun
where we met up with the closest persons to our hearts
where we lived indelible memories
from primary school to high school

just tell us how u spent those years; tell us about the craziest things u had done or your classmates had done
we are listning....peace

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