عنوان الموضوع : Awkward . Caramel VS Onion - english
كاتب الموضوع : مريم
مقدم من طرف منتديات ايمازيغن

I tried to kill my self by with a knife But even in the suicide I failed ...
I wanted to take an aspirin which was just like a suicide cause I was about choking and I felt down
on my arm that's why I had gypsum on it
that's why I felt the a shame from some thing I didn't mean it
But I was happy coz Berry saw me and he laught for his first time ever ....
After 2 days we made a run competition in our school I was a volunteer against "Onion" who was with my future flavor ... ah I meant husband and the player who was in my team was Creme Great thing I've ever seen
he liked me so much ....

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